Safety Consulting

Safety Consulting

Everything we do is guided by a desire to improve functional safety in the automotive industry

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Safety Consulting

As safety consulting we guide our customers from inception to final release in the development of safe and secure ADAS and AD architectures suitable for the software-defined vehicle.
Our team of experts has in-depth industry knowledge and helps find solutions to the problems faced by automotive manufacturers (OEMs), Tier 1 companies and other industry players. In this way, we provide our expertise so that we can move closer to our goal of safe autonomous mobility for all.

Our experts have

  • Hands-on expertise on Functional Safety for ADAS and AD  
  • Hands-on expertise on robust real-time system design for safety-critical and mixed-criticality systems 
  • Access to cutting edge technology and validation methods through industrial and academic research networks as well as participation in standardization
  • Innovative approach to finding smart technical solutions that are above current standards, on architecture and at an implementation level
Our Safety Heritage

TTTech Auto General Safety Consulting Services

Finding your path to functional safety can involve many roadblocks and false starts. The TTTech Auto Safety Consulting team is experienced in navigating these difficulties and finding technical safety concepts/solutions that allow you to reach your driving goals safely. 

  • Partition an AD system to create sufficient redundancy and avoid any single point of failure, bulletproof by formal verification methods
  • Develop a fail-operational AD system of homogeneous, redundant hardware and software components that simultaneously ensures sufficient independence and avoids common cause failures
  • Integrate cutting edge, potentially open-source software solutions in your AD system, while ensuring compliance with safety standards and system availability
  • Supervise your AD system, to identify faulty behavior and engage in timely countermeasures
  • Implement effective supervision of your AD system, to identify faulty behavior and engage in timely countermeasures
  • Network your sensors in a redundant but cost-effective way to central computers, ensuring sufficient sensor availability under all fault scenarios
  • Ensure that redundant actuators follow the same trajectory consistently, under arbitrary fault scenarios