Enabling safe self-driving cars by using monitors

While research in self-driving cars continuous to boom, research of their dependability aspects is only emerging. In particular, trade-off studies on fault-tolerant architectures for safe self-driving cars are largely missing but desperately needed by the automotive industry. In this speech, Wilfried Steiner, Director TTTech Labs, gives  a brief overview of some possible architecture designs, and argues in favor of those architectures that implement a monitor element. he also formulates open research questions with respect to monitoring construction and permissible interfaces from the monitor to other elements that constitute the architecture.

  • Safe Self-Driving cars need safety architecture.
  • There are several safety architectures known in other industries.
  • Monitors seem to be a promising solution for safety architecture.

Key take-aways

  • Safe Self-Driving cars need safety architecture.
  • There are several safety architectures known in other industries.
  • Monitors seem to be a promising solution for safety architecture.

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